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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Another week of 1sts

First soccer lesson at KC Sports Lodge, playing with the Dinomites for the next 6 weeks. The coach is clearly an expert at 'herding cats' :)

First time using 'rs' say, 'cars', constantly .
First night out w/ the adults...bowling. And by the way, the kid is strong, he picked up my 8 lb ball a couple times and promptly dropped it on his toe, unbeknownst to him.

Growing by leaps and bounds and still being a sweet love. Also very affectionate towards, Fran, the lady that looks after him at the gym daycare. He leaned in for a kiss from her the other day before leaving and is also courteous to all his 'fans' in the daycare, waving bye to everyone before exiting the room.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wine Riddle

If 4 oz of red wine has approximately 100 calories and there are 25- 28 oz to a bottle, does having a bottle 3 or 4 times a week make me an aspiring fat ass?

Answer: YES!

Solution: do not buy wine, if it is not in the house, you will not drink it...same rule we follow with regards to sweets.

I love when I press the EASY button on a solution!
I can almost hear the pounds melting off now.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Technology Fan

Remind mama to tell you what a technology nut you were, before u were even 2.
Now u ask for the iPAD(bapa) regularly. Reading stories on the ipad with mom and dad use to be enough to whet your appetite, now u like to have it all to yourself so you can peruse all your apps and movies. Favorite movies on the ipad, Cars and Finding Nemo. We just hand it to you and you navigate everything on your own....which may or may not be a good thing :(
Now that you have access to an ipad mom and dads iphone and the tv remote, hold no allure for you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Learning words, fast and furious!

The average 20-month-old can learn ten or more words a day, but don't expect your toddler to utter all these words just yet. Now he's working on his ability to understand.
And even though we don't always understand which word he is using, he is adding new ones quite quickly.

When not learning new words, we are honing our technology skills via the iPad(or as Pax calls it the bapa). He knows how to quickly navigate his programs, turn up the volume and shoot emails to grandma and grandpa....ok well not really on the emails :)

Enter, the Step Stool....

unearthed from my closet(so I can reach all my shoes, kept up high) by the Pax man and dragged upstairs, to his room, this is now his favorite accessory. He steps onto it to look out his bedroom window, carries it to his bathroom so he can get up on it to wash his hands, brush his teeth and hair. He used to carry it down stairs to use at the kitchen sink, until he realized we keep another step stool in the laundry room, which he now uses for downstairs activities.
Who knew so much fun could be had from one step stool. Guess mama needs to buy one more, for her closet again :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

RSV Playdate

no, not RSVP'ing for a playdate, but the nasty upper respiratory virus that experts say ALL kids will have by the time they are 2...we were lucky to pick it up at one of our playdates.
Total drag, as it is nasty in little people. Plays out like a cold in adults w/ more mature immune systems, but in your toddler be prepared w/ the puffs, humidifier, pedialyte pops(for hydration), honey elixir to soothe the cough(since you cannot give them any cough syrup) and tylenol to reduce the fever they are guaranteed to get. Also, there is no medicine for it, so might as well save yourself the wait in the sick area at your pediatricians office, unless the breathing is really labored and your little one has a really bad case :(
Oh , and consider yourself in quarantine for a week...incubation is 2-7 days.
Better have a good rotation of videos you can tolerate watching w/ the little one in misery, as playing is almost out of the question.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Personal Shoppers are AWESOME!

I may be very slow in discovering this fun little service at Nordi's, but love that I now have someone else's ear to bend re:fashion, besides that of my husbands!
does this go w/ this?....should I wear these shoes or these?...what necklace should I wear?
Though Jay may not always have the answer, this personal shopper just might.
My new BFF is only a phone call away :)
No need to have someone come shop my closet, now I can slowly bring it to my personal shopper for pairing and perfecting , oh happy day!